Becoming a mother is truly one of the most miraculous things in life. And for couples, troubled with infertility issues, desperate for a baby, there is no greater miracle. Some of these miracles happen at a test tube baby center, like at AKPIÂ Nashik.
How long for a IVF miracle?
The objective of fertility treatments and assisted reproduction (ART) is to address infertility issues in men and women. They are meant to help childless couples achieve their goal of becoming parents. And expectations from ART is rising as the success rates are increasing, thanks to new advancements in medicine.
While one full cycle of IVF takes about 3 weeks, sometime the process can take longer depending on the steps required. See this earlier post on key factors that affect the success of IVF treatment.

Test Tube Baby Success Rates
There could be many reasons leading to infertility in a person, male or female. While infertility treatment options offer hope, the success rate varies.
Where in early years of the invention of in vitro fertilization, the IVF success rate was averaging in 12%…. newer technologies are improving the chances of conceiving. As per the Human Fertilization & Embryology Authority, the chances of getting pregnant vary as below:
a) 32.2% for women aged under 35
b) 27.7% for women aged between 35–37
c) 20.8% for women aged between 38–39
d) 13.6% for women aged between 40–42
e) 5.0% for women aged between 43–44
f) 1.9% for women aged 45 and over
See this post for more on IVF Success Rates.

IVF Treatment In Nashik And Medical Tourism
According to a private survey by Indian society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR), there are more than 30,000 reproductive treatments happening in India – EH News Bureau – Mar 14, 2019
One of the major reasons for the increasing number of fertility treatments in India, is the growing number of medical tourists. And they come to this country for affordable costs. Test tube baby procedure costs Rs. 80,000 at AKPI Hospital in Nashik, arguably the most economical in India – see post.
The other reason for couples visiting this test tube baby center in Nashik is it’s state-of-art facilities, good high success rates, and a team of highly experienced specialists.
So when it comes to miracles in life, when it comes to fulfilling a couple’s dreams of becoming parents, test tube baby treatment certainly stands on top of the list.
And when the price is affordable, their happiness knows no bounds!