One of our patients, Naina from Mumbai (name changed to protect privacy), recently recounted how she had experienced no symptoms of pregnancy. They had been trying to conceive for more than two years, but without success. And doing the pregnancy tests at home were a  constant source of anxiety and pessimism that held them down.

While Naina had to eventually take IVF treatment at our clinic, we understand how many couples undergo such anxious moments in their lives. Here here are some of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Waiting For Symptoms Of Pregnancy | Image: solominphoto, freepik

10 Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy

  1. Some “just know” they are pregnant, probably the sixth sense
  2. A missed period that alerts you
  3. An heightened sense of smell
  4. Tenderness of the breasts
  5. Setting in of fatigue
  6. Feeling nauseating
  7. Trouble with cramps
  8. Random headaches
  9. Light bleeding during embryo implantation
  10. Vomiting

Early Pregnancy Symptoms Driving You Crazy?

Dr. Gil Weiss, assistant professor of clinical medicine at Northwestern University and an ob-gyn in Chicago, says  “When it comes to looking for pregnancy symptoms, there is nothing that says a +b = c. It’s a constellation of small things that are happening at once.”

Yes, the waiting and testing game for weeks on end can take a toll on your life.

While some women are not aware they are pregnant for a long time, there are many others who get these clear symptoms. But for most, trying to figure this out can be an arduous task. So if you are among the later section, experts recommended that you contact your doctor and get a blood test done.

What Else Can You Do?

  1. Keep trying and eat healthy foods like ground flax seeds, leafy green vegetables, whole grains.
  2. Have patience, for tracking every minute change in your body might not always ease tensions.
  3. Trust your body. For negative thoughts can impair your healthy and affect your chances!

The best way is to consult your doctor and take the positive way to a new beginning in your life.

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