People often ask, how can one increase chances of success with IUI. One way with IUI treatment, is to take fertility drugs that may increase the chances of pregnancy. Then depending on the woman’s age and other health related factors, the success rate of IUI ranges from 10% to 20% for one cycle. And the chances of pregnancy with IUI may go as high as 80% with 3 to 5 cycles. In this post, we explore IUI success tips that couples can explore, other than taking medications.

IUI success is dependent on a couple’s fertility problem… see post
If a man’s sperm are low in quantity, or poor in quality, intrauterine insemination may slightly improve the chances—by up to 10%—that the female partner will become pregnant.
Source: WebMD
Natural IUI Success Tips
Couples planning to have a child but finding it difficult to conceive naturally, are looking up to the advancements in medical sciences for latest treatments. And the new methods of conception do offer them hope to achieve parenthood. One of the methods is IUI, Intrauterine Insemination. A fertility treatment wherein the male partner’s Semen in transferred to the female partner’s uterus. This increases flow of sperms to the fallopian tubes and that enhances the chances of pregnancy. But IUI works for some couples and may not work for others. Hence it’s important to discuss this with your fertility expert.
Having said that, there are certain non-medical things that couples, planning for an IUI treatment, can do to improve their chances of success.
First and foremost! Take especially good care of yourself.
Leading a healthy life is important to have better chances at pregnancy. And thereby help increase chances of IUI Success. So it is important to take care of yourself with regular exercises and eat fertility friendly foods. Thus whole foods, fruits, lots of veggies, and daily products like yogurt, cheese and milk.
Stay Away From Toxicity – Smoking, Stress, Anxieties
For better chances with pregnancy, for better chances of IUI treatment success, and overall a better life, it is important that you stay away from all kinds of stress. So while undergoing IUI treatment, you may have to undergo a lot of emotional challenges, but all the while you have to learn to relax. This will help your treatment work better on your body and mind that is more positive and receptive.
Have more sex during the fertile window
The 6 days of a month, wherein a woman’s body is readying for ovulation, are the most fertile days for a woman. And experts recommend the couple undergoing IUI treatment to have sex to help increases the chances of success.
IUI Process Risks
Like every treatment, IUI too has its shortcomings. And hence it is important to discuss with a doctor to take the best steps before starting an IUI process. However, for couples not able to conceive naturally, new medical developments like IUI are surely giving them hope of becoming parents. And here, these IUI success tips may help get better results.