The couple wanted children, actually Reshma & Jai had always been wanting one. But the challenges of these two careerists came in the way, every time they thought of growing their family. And then came 2020, the year of the pandemic and it’s adverse effects on the couple. Could they try to get pregnant and bring in a baby in such times, they thought why not? But nature had other plans for them. Come 2021, the couple realized natural pregnancy was being elusive to them. Then somebody mentioned how new ivf technologies that could help them.
State of Art IVF Treatment in Nashik
The way technology is changing, infertility treatments are upgrading on all fronts. From tracking of ovulation window, egg freezing, to genetic screening, artificial insemination and other forms of assisted reproductive technology. The challenge here for most couples is, the cost of IVF. Here, IVF Treatment costs are very competitive in India. Where the cost of IVF Treatment in the USA is around $12,000 or Rs. 600,000/-, the same would cost $1300 or Rs. 95,000 in India. (1 US$ = Rs. 75). In Nashik it ivf treatment costs much lesser.
Can IVF Answer, “How To Get Pregnant”?
It’s been around 30 to 35 years since the first test tube baby was born. And since then, science has made great advancements in improving the likelihood of infertile couples get a baby. The IVF success rate has improved from around 10% some 10 years ago to about 25% for most infertile couples. And many infertile couples are increasingly going for IVF Treatment to get pregnant before adopting children.
But IVF Treatment is still a developing science that depends on a number of factors like quality of eggs, sperms, embryos, uterus or for undiagnosed factors, e.g. hysteroscopy. So it is good to speak to an IVF Expert or Gynecologist to prepare better for IVF Treatments.

To Have A Baby And Not
Couples facing infertility, like Reshma & Jai, wanting to get pregnant can spend on an average round Rs. 100,000 to Rs. 150,000, to undertake one IVF cycle. And the IVF success rates are dependent on many factors that influence fertility like the woman’s age, lifestyle and things like obesity or smoking.
Then there are couples who endure multiple failed IVF cycles before the woman can get pregnant. And the complete IVF treatment cycle can be a very tiring process physically for it goes on for a couple of weeks. Apart from many things that could go wrong, at times the ovaries might not produce enough eggs, or the sperm might not fertilize them or the functioning of embryos may cause failures.
And the success of IVF treatments in under-40 healthy women has grown to 30% while it is around 4-5% in women aged more than 40 to 44 years. And this process to get pregnant can be expensive, considering there might be multiple attempts required to get pregnant.
So before deciding to get pregnant or not, to have a baby or not, it will be good to consult a fertility specialist.
IVF: One Way On How To Get Pregnant
Couples start with IVF treatments because they come with the belief that this exciting new that has created many miracles in the world can be the solution for all their problems. They come with the strong belief that this treatment can get her pregnant. But a failed IVF result can be very disheartening with the feeling that all money, time and energy going down the drain.
If the number and quality of embryos, the endometrial thickness, the texture and the actual embryo transfer are fine during the IVF treatment process, often the best option is go for the same IVF cycle again. The more often one attempts, the better are the chances of winning.
Thanks to technology, the success rates are helping many couples’ parenting dreams come true.
Thanks for sharing, it will be a lot helpful for patients experiencing infertility problems. –