Even in today’s advanced era, childlessness is still considered a taboo. And who would know this better than a doctor at this Nashik fertility center – AKPI. Where the profession allows one to meet couples from various walks of life, and get to see the rising complexities in today’s society. Especially in a time where women are at the forefront in many fields, and at have overtaken men in many instances. But the taboo of infertility or childlessness still hounds them, even as many communities consider it to be their failure on the home front.
Infertility Or Personal Decision?
The decision whether to have children or not to have children is personal and complex. But the decision not to have children is still considered taboo by many. This is wonderfully illustrated in an upcoming documentary about living child-free, To Kid Or Not To Kid. Here the creators attempt to confront the complexities head on.
In an exclusive look at the film’s trailer shared with Romper, viewers are given a peek at the multifaceted reasons behind why some choose a child-free lifestyle, the backlash and shame many experience when they do, and the unfair pressures society puts on women to reproduce.
The Contradictory Scenarios
We see two contradictory pictures in today’s society, double income no kids ( DINK) couples on one side and couples relentlessly trying to have children on the other.
For the first scenario where couples want to stay childless, the fast changing social structure can be a reason. With nuclear families coming in to existence, these couples are driven towards achieving maximum success in their careers and their journeys to build comfortable livelihoods in fast paced urban societies. As such, they are unable to look after their aging parents nor have time to consider having children.
And then there are those who, day in and day out, are trying to have a baby but are challenged by fertility related issues. We see them taking efforts, cycle after cycle, doctors after doctors, at times exploring traditional treatments, even going to priests, temples, babas and even quacks. And we see them leaving no stone un-turned to fulfill their desires, leaving aside a few idiots who crave to have a child of a particular sex.
For Couples Challenged By Low Fertility Rates
As doctors at one of the leading fertility centers in Nashik, and sitting on the other side of the table, we often wonder that this is no less than a gamble. Given the fact that human fertility is quite low, to the tune of 10-12% per month naturally and with the best of treatments not beyond 25-40%. And then the final step of implantation is yet to be unraveled by the inquisitive human brain and research.
To conclude, all we can say –Â May the almighty bless each one with what they desire! Amen
10 Shades of ART – Share with couples trying for a baby.