Last post, we were discussing the agony and despair couples undergo while waiting for signs of pregnancy. For as many as 70% couples, the 2 week wait turns out to be fruitful with early signs showing up. For the rest, it continues to test their patience for some more weeks… or until they have a home pregnancy test or visit their gynecologist for a blood test.

Early Symptoms Of Pregnancy, Signs That Matter
- A missed period. Many women keep track of their periods and this might be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. And for those who don’t, or for women who experience variations in their menstrual cycles from month to month… there are other symptoms to consider.
- Experiencing tingly breasts? If you have conceived, your breasts may show the earliest signs of pregnancy only in a week or two. This is caused by a surge in the hormones that result in more fluids being retained and the ensuing heaviness. Maybe its time you checkout a more supportive brassiere.
“I realized that my breasts had gone sore and my tastes had changed as early as in the 2nd week.” – Veena, Pune.
- If you have noticed irregular bleeding or spotting around the time of your menstrual cycles, it may be because of the egg settling into the lining of your uterus. In medical terms, it is called implantation bleeding and it causes a little bloodshed.
- Nausea or morning sickness as early as two weeks from conceiving! A number of pregnant women get the queasy feeling during their pregnancy, with as many as 50% actually throwing up. You could feel nauseatic at any time of the day, that most likely subsides as you enter the second trimester.
- Easily fatigued and feeling shortness of breath? Like getting tired while going up those stairs to work! Yes, you take that flight of stairs everyday and all of a sudden you’re short of breath. It may be that the growing fetus is taking some of your oxygen and is starting to put pressure on your lungs.
- Other “2 Week” Signs Of Pregnancy
- Experiencing increased frequency of urination
- Feeling menstrual-type cramps with other signs of pregnancy
- Aversion to food that you probably used to enjoy
- Increased mood swings resulting in emotions; good, bad, depressing or anxious
- Headaches that are on account of changes in hormones
- Sore lower back as you are gaining weight as your body’s center of gravity is shifts
- Increased sensitivity to odors