Replying to a question related to fertility concern posted on an online forum…
Question: Age 36. Thyroid. Planning a baby…
“My wife, aged 36 is suffering from thyroid. She take medicines for this disease. Her period is regular and she is healthy too. We are planning for a baby, so what are the possibilities and what do we have to do. Please guide us.”
Answer: Good chance of conception if…
“Is her thyroid normal on medication? If normal, she has a good chance of conception. Please get thorough investigations done for both of you and hasten up your treatment as she is already 36. Checking all hormones will help clinch the diagnosis and inform me when all investigations are done.”
Dr. Samir Pawar
MBBS, MD – Obstetrtics & Gynaecology
IVF Specialist, Nashik
This question was first posted here.
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