For women who are unable to conceive, in-spite of trying for long and some even after exploring various medications, their fear of infertility cannot be denied. As a matter of fact, this fear of infertility is as old as the human civilization itself. And though the ages, society has looked down upon a woman’s inability to conceive as the individual’s fault rather than a disease. But with the advent of Assisted Reproductive Treatments (ART) rising IVF success cases, there has been increasing awareness related to infertility being a disease that can be treated and cured. So has been the efforts of many to educate people about the various factors that can lead to infertility conditions, like physiological and psychological trauma, genetic conditions, anatomical issues, infections, medical history, age of the woman, toxics in the environment among other factors. This awareness of ART has resulted in many couples now openly seeking medical assistance, much earlier than before. However, in the backdrop of challenging socio-economic factors and recent pandemic induced concerns, there is a lot of concern about IVF success rate in first attempt.

Two Tips To Boost IVF Success

For couples who have strived to overcome the fear of society, self doubt, and the fear of fertility treatments, their is hope. The availability of best infrastructure for IVF, quality fertility care centers and affordable IVF treatments is one if the factors. But there is more that can be done to improve the chances of IVF pregnancies. For the IVF journey actually begins long before your doctor actually starts their series of procedures. So here are some IVF success tips that you can follow or share with those seeking ART.


Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity has been linked to infertility in both men and women. For obese men, obesity can affect the quality and quantity of their sperms. And around 30 percent male infertility is linked to sperm-related issues. While obesity in women is known to rise infertility levels to three times more than non – obese women.

Hence, maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle will go a long way in improving IVF success rates. So couples challenged with infertility, it’s important to be watchful of the diet. And invest daily time on physical activities in order to maintain healthy body and good health.

best tips for ivf success rates

Stay Away From Addictions & Toxins

A stress free and healthy body is required for your mind and body to undergo the IVF journey, successfully. So it is important to keep your body free of toxins, alcohol, drugs, and other addictions. And this list includes junk food, certain cosmetics, paints, and harmful chemicals at work.

For toxins are known to reduce the efficacy of drugs, affect the quality of sperms and thus they can negatively influence the IVF treatment.

Want to learn more about IVF success rates in first attempt?

Consult the doctor – Because having a baby is undoubtedly the most joyous moment for every couple. However, the process can involve a series of doubts, questions about fertility, confusion about pregnancy, childbirth and health issues. And consulting experienced ivf specialists and gynecologists earlier than later will help.

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