Ok. Now that you have decided to venture into parenthood, its time to check the various aspects of how to get pregnant faster.
But surely, there is so much information flowing around on this topic. From well meaning relatives to those pokey neighbours, you’ve probably got your palate full. So here are a list of factors that you can quickly browse through and increase your chances of starting a family, faster.

Fact And Fiction – How To Get Pregnant Faster
- Prepare your man to their responsibilities and discuss the importance of having a baby
- Enjoy the intimate relationship with your spouse, irrespective of positions
- Track your menstrual cycle for that optimal fertility window, three to five days before ovulation
- Ovulation predictor kits anyone? Discuss these with your doctor before you try one
- Visit your doctor for pre-pregnancy tests and prenatal vitamins
- De-stress. De-stress. De-stress. For stress is known to hinder pregnancy
- Switch off from birth control pills that tamper with natural ovulation processes
- Quit smoking. Smoking negatively affects the process of getting pregnant faster
- Quit alcohol. This one is another dampener for couples trying to conceive
- Chuck caffeine from your diet as it is known as a sworn enemy of pregnancy
- Address your obesity if any. Shedding some weight may improve the chances of conceiving
- Age is a factor that affects how quickly a woman conceives. Chances decline after the age of 40
- Maintain an active lifestyle that has helped many women to get pregnant faster
- Sperms do not like hot environments. So men should avoid using laptops on their laps
- Making the right choice of food and supplements like Vitamin D, multi-vitamins, folic acid
Tips shared above are easy to follow. And even though conceiving may take time, trying out the above things is surely a good step.