A growing number of millennial are opting for a child-free life. As leading gynecologists in Nashik, there are a number of cases received where both the partners mutually agree to this decision. Like Meenal [name changed], 28 from Pune, who has been engaged for a year now but not willing to enter into a married life. Reason, she and her fiancee wished to lead a child-free life, and that was against their parent’s wishes. So sometime last year, on her visit to her future in-laws place in Nashik, she booked an appointment at AKPI and came to discuss the pros and cons of their “child-free future” decision. The young couple wanted to know about IVF and other pregnancy related challenges if they ever decided to have a child in later part of their lives… the big question was, how it would affect health of the child, and if required, how could test tube baby treatment help them.

When You Don’t Want Kids
– Pregnancy & Childbirth Issues
As a young couple, crazy about each other, and having no experience in managing children; one may easily assume this thought to challenge their minds – should we have children?
You’ll change your mind once your biological clock starts ticking.
What if your future partner wants children?
What if you meet the right person and want to have a child?
– Common questions faced by couples living a “child-free-future”
But the very same relationship may suddenly become complex with a number of possible situations,
- Boy wants to marry the Girl but have no children
- Boy wants to marry the Girl and have children but girl says no
- Boy-Girl start with no child philosophy but one of them changes mind in future

And what could be the possible reasons to opt for a child-free-future?
- Couple does not want to waste time in rearing a child
- Being busy careerists, they do not want another responsibility
- Girl believes having the right partner for life more important
- Boy believes he is not capable of managing children
- Girl believes she cannot stay back at home rearing children
- Am too young to think of having a child
- A hidden fear of getting pregnant and the whole process
- Underwent sterilization, now cannot reverse the surgery
- Children will be too demanding for time, energy and money
- It’s an over populated world, why to it more of our kind?
- Not necessary to have a child just because we’re a couple!
Being Child-Free To Living Child-Less
Sure, it’s an individual’s every right to decide to have a child or not. But the worry for most parents and family members along with the experiences as gynecologists, is..
What if a couple wants to reverse the decision sometime in the future and it is too late on the age front?
IVF Hospital With Leading Gynecologists In Nashik, Near You
AKPI IVF Hospital has a highly skilled and experience team of some of the leading gynecologists in Nashik district. You can know more about the team by visiting the about section of this website. And the team has a skilled and trained support staff, who will assist you to book your appointment at your time of convenience and get the Free Consultation and Infertility Checkup done.
For Appointment, Please Contact:
AKPI IVF Hospital & Clinic
Charuhas, Near Gaikwad Classes, Nashik – 422 001
Telephone – (0253) – 2596797, 2596798 , 2593938
Mobile – +91 9075011650
Email – help@get-pregnant.in